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inno Magic7

inno Magic7

7 products in one

  1. eliminates water and moisture from electrical and metal surfaces
  2. Releases screws, bolts nuts and other mechanical hardware
  3. cleans electrical contacts, do not wire
  4. protects metal surfaces from corrosion and oxidation caused by weather conditions and salt
  5. detergent and cleaner of metal hardware; cleans adhesives, stains, tar, grease and oil
  6. prevents freezing; melts ice and it is freezing resistant down to -40 ° C
  7. lubricates chains, gears, cables, sliding tracks and rails, bearings, presses, switches, valves, etc.
  • certified by REACH – guarantees that there is no harmful ingredients

inno Magic7 is an aerosol with a very wide range of use. It has been developed specifically to accelerate work processes and reduce the costs and work time. It has not any harmful properties and it does not damage the treated surface.


Composition: mixture of lubricants, penetrating and protective oils.
Color: light yellow
Capacity: 30 square meters
Odour: mild
Temeperature resistance: -40 ° C – 160 ° C
Expiration time: unlimited



relaxation of corroded screws and other metal hardware, cleaning of electrical contacts,- protection of electronic hardware, underwater equipment and pumps.- lubrication of all kinds of bearings, gears, wire ropes, sliding surfaces, pistons, cylinders, hinges,locks, sliding paths and tracks, conveyor belts, presses, valves, doors, etc.

– shake before use
– spread over the surface you want to treat
– cleaning of corroded hardware; apply the product and wait for a few minutes to penetrate


inno Magic7 Informacije o proizvodu

inno Magic7 STL



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