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inno BeltGRIP

inno BeltGRIP

  • prevents slippage, aging and extends the life of the mechanical belts
  • resistant to fresh and marine water, temperature oscilations and weather conditions
  • suitable to all types of materials (leather, rubber, canvas, fabric, silicone, plastics …)
  • reduces noises while belt is driving.
  • colorless – does not leave stains on the packaging of the treated belts
  • antistatic – does not attract dust and dirt
  • certified by REACH – guarantees that there is no harmful ingredients

inno BeltGRIP is a synthetic polymer that has been specially developed for the protection and maintenance of all types of mechanical belts. It creates a sticky film that does not dry and it is resistant to fresh and marine water, temperature oscilations and weather conditions. Inno BeltGRIP protects the belt from aging, reduces the stress and significantly improves adhesion of the belt to other materials (prevents slipping). It is antistatic and therefore does not attract dust and dirt. Belts treated with this product remains flexible, also, usage of the product reduces noise that can be generated during the belt drives. Inno BeltGRIP is colorless and does not leave stains.


Composition: polymer and solvents (see SDS)
Color: colorless
Odour: no odour
Resistance: resistant to fresh and marine water
Expiration time: 12 months, Store in a cold and dry place. Avoid freezing

Protection and maintenance of all types of mechanical belts, compressors, pumps, generators, fans, motors, vehicles, agricultural machinery, construction machinery and equipment, washing mashines, trimmers, mowers, mixers, hi-fi and video equipment, etc.

– shake before use
– spread over the surface you want to treat

Usage examples (Photo)


BeltGRIP Informacije o proizvodu


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